1. A swan. I'm still waiting to get a pair together in a remotely interesting shot. I like this one by itself. It had a very strange way of swimming; it bobbed unusually high in the water with each thrust of its legs; yet at a slow pace.
2. I liked the lines and angles in this shot.
3. This rock is for sitting, and had some interesting light play on it as the sun set.
4. For some reason the lone pine was totally lit by the setting sun; but nothing around it was. I was wishing for my 18-200mm for this one; there was no way I could close on the shot with my 35mm without getting very wet.
5. I've decided to make shooting empty benches a 'thing to do'. Notice the fall colors on the trees; some are getting an early start!
6. I liked the juxtaposition of the horizontal lines in the bench and the vertical lines in the grass. That being said, it looked like the most uncomfortable bench ever.
7. The 35mm 1.8 lens handled low light fantastically. If I ever get a full-frame camera, I will definitely get a 1.4 35mm or 50mm lens for the versatility in low light conditions.
8. A lone duck watching the fountain.
© Jeremy Buehler and Bug Noir (www.bugnoir.com), 2010.
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