Sunday, December 26, 2010

Farm Christmas

Another Christmas out of the way, and with it, my annual trek to Peterborough. I took my new lenses with me and had a go with them. I particularly enjoyed using the 11-16mm ultra-wide-angle lens while shooting around the barn with my dad. I learned that there really isn't a low battery warning on my SB-900 flash; it went from usable to dead seemingly without warning.

P.S. I processed these images along with a whole bunch of other family photos over the course of two nights, and I think during the process I applied my usual sharpening filter to the horizontals twice. I'm not going to fix them because I don't think it's worth it. Also thinking of building a blog from scratch because I'm starting to not like the small horizontal images and the detail they present. But that's a story for another day...

Inside the main barn, facing west.

Snow through the cracks in the wall, main barn, facing east.

Main barn walk-in 'basement'.

A shed looking cold in the snow.

Lots and lots of snow...

This all natural effect was created by shooting outside in the cold for an hour or so, then coming inside the warm house, where condensation formed on my 11-16mm lens. I kept checking it as it dried and about half of the lens had dried off when I took the photo. The center of the lens cleared first, hence the natural blur.

© Jeremy Buehler and Bug Noir (, 2010.

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